
Deploy your first website with Firebase. We are going to use Firebase, Travis, Nodejs and GoDaddy like tech tools.

Project maintained by juancho11gm Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Deploy your first website

Deploy your first website with Firebase. We are going to use GitHub, Firebase, Travis CI or GitHub Actions, Nodejs and GoDaddy like tech tools.

Steps to deploy your first website using Firebase

  1. Create the repository. Add the collaborators.
  2. Clone the repo. Create a folder called src. Inside that floder create a index.html file and a assets folder. Within assets folder, create two folders called js and css. There you are going to save the js files and css files.
  3. Create a new project in the firebase console.
  4. Set up Firebase Hosting: Go to the hosting tab. Follow the steps to set up the hosting. 4.1 Run (using cmd):
    • npm install -g firebase-tools.
    • firebase login. If the command is not being executed run firebase login --interactive.
    • firebase init (Run this command from your app’s root directory).
    • Select hosting with spacebar.
    • Select your existing project.
    • Deploy with firebase deploy.
  5. Remove the content inside index.html in the public. Create a basic layout and deploy again.

Steps to deploy automatic builds


  1. Install NodeJs.
  2. Run npm init -y inside your app folder.
  3. Create a prepare.js file in the root folder.
  4. Install ncp and rimraf dependencies (search first the utility. npm website or read this article). 4.1 Run npm i ncp and npm i rimraf.
  5. Copy this code into your prepare.js.
const rimraf = require('rimraf'); //remove files
const ncp = require('ncp').ncp; //copy files
const fs = require('fs');
const public_dir = './public';

const file_list = [
    { fileSource: './src/index.html', fileDest: './public/index.html' },

//removes public folder
rimraf('./public/', function (rimraf_error) {
    if (rimraf_error) { throw rimraf_error; }
    // done

    //if public folder doesn't exist
    if (!fs.existsSync(public_dir)) {
        //creates public folder

    file_list.forEach((fileElement, index, array) => {
        const { fileSource, fileDest } = fileElement;
         copy_files(fileSource, fileDest);


function copy_files(sourcePath, destPath){
    ncp(sourcePath, destPath, function (ncp_error) {
        if (ncp_error) { throw ncp_error; }
  1. Run node prepare.js to see how it works.
  2. Configure your package.json. 7.1 Add into the scripts attribute: "prepare-public": "node prepare.js". 7.2 Try it. Run npm run prepare-public.

Option 1 Travis CI (public repo for free)

  1. Sign up to Travis.
  2. Select your repo and authorize Travis CI


  1. Generate the firebase token running firebase login:ci.
  2. Copy the token and add an enviroment variable in Travis


  1. Create a .travis.yml file in the root folder.
  2. Paste the following code:
language: node_js
  - "8"
 - echo "Deploy!!"
  - npm install -g firebase-tools
  - npm install
  - npm run prepare-public
  - firebase deploy --project your_project_name --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
  1. Create a secret variable in your repo settings.


  1. Create an action in your Actions tab with the following structure
name: Node.js CI

    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        node-version: [10.x, 12.x]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js $
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: $
    - run: npm ci
    - run: npm install -g firebase-tools
    - run: npm install
    - run: npm run prepare-public
    - run: firebase deploy --token $
        CI: true
  1. Enjoy.

Steps to configure your domain using GoDaddy

  1. Go to the firebase console and add a custom domain


  1. Add the verification to the DNS in GoDaddy.


  1. Add the A registers pointing to the values.
    • If you have problems change the name to @